There are several kinds of legendary elk in Red Dead Online. Legendary Elk Locations – Ozula, Inahme, Katata If you want more information, head on over to our Legendary Beaver Locations guide. We found it in the northwest corner of the lake, but we do have to say that there’s a good chance that you will have to run loops around the lake until you find it. The Legendary Zizi Beaver appears on the shores of Lake Owanjila.

For more info, check out our legendary wolf location guide. The Moonstone Wolf is particularly hard to find, and its pelt can be used to make a nice warm garment set. According to player reports, they won’t spawn until you raise your naturalist rank enough. There are several species of legendary wolves, including Moonstone and Emerald. Legendary Wolf Locations – Moonstone, Emerald For more info on legendary foxes in general, since there’s more than one variant, check out our Red Dead Online Legendary Fox – Marble, Ota, Cross Fox guide. Also, use Eagle Eye to spot it more easily, since the fox can blend in with the surroundings fairly well. Make sure to purchase some legendary animal pheromones from Harriet, so that you can increase your chances of finding it. We found it near the road between Cairn Lake and Spider Gorge. The legendary Marble fox in location in Red Dead Online is in the northwest of Ambarino. Legendary Marble Fox Location in Red Dead Online

Important Note: You should use legendary animal pheromones after you get a notification that a legendary is nearby, not before! You can buy both of these from Harriet, your new bestie. There are also new items that help you with hunting, like the legendary animal pheromones, which provoke them and make them more likely to appear when you’re in their area, and the blending tonic, which makes you harder to spot when lurking in the grass and bushes. You can now hunt animals without hurting them, which means using sedative ammo so you can collect samples. In the meantime, you should review your strategy and maybe get some new tools.
We’ll update the guide with precise locations as we discover them.
How to find and spawn legendary animals in RDR2